Get Bitcoin for your MetaTrader and VertexFX with confidence

We provide real-time price feeds for 50+ major cryptocurrency pairs aggregated from 4 largest exchanges. We optimize them for risk-free use by brokerage companies and tailor all the parameters to your needs.
What our clients get
We provide brokers with new cryptocurrency instruments while keeping them safe from arbitrage, abuse, and unpredictability of emerging markets
  • Real-time quotes
    Our low-latency cloud servers deliver price updates almost instantly
  • Custom crosses
    BTC/INR? BTC/HKD? ETH/AUD? Any cross you can imagine, we provide
  • Safe price aggregation
    We choose the safe price based on 4 major crypto exchanges and several biggest FX brokerages
  • Unlimited flexibility
    We tailor the feed to your needs for markups, minimum spreads, symbol names, and number of significant digits
  • Reliability with backups
    We provide both primary and backup price feed sources based in separate data centers to protect you from price downtimes
  • The easiest setup
    Just add a new price feed source in your MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5, no need to install anything.
Partners and platforms
Try before you buy
We will contact you to know your preferences for crosses, spreads, and markups before we issue your personal login and password.